Light Sleepers Unite

I am a super light sleeper/insomniac/crazy woman that can’t slow her mind down.  All of these title fit. I have another friend who is like me and for the sake of not putting her business in the streets, I’ll call her Annalise and since I made that stupid complicated, but all names will now be based on Shonda Rhimes characters, we’ll shorten it to Anna.  Sidebar done.  Anna and I will see each other online at 3am and catch up while the world is at slumber.  I’m also sensitive to any additional noise in the room, when my husband gets a cold and coughs through the night or god forbids starts breathing too heavily, I be like Cookie with that pillow contemplating (if you haven’t seen Empire – get your life right and watch). If you are like Anna and I, perhaps we can start a club and chat online at night, wait I guess that’s called every creeper chat room there is, are there still chat rooms? Else, I’d like to share something that has helped me, White Noise machines. It seems counterintuitive to add noise to the mix in order to drown out the existing noise and therefore put you to sleep, however, it works – providing you have a good sound machine. It almost sets a baseline that doesn’t deviate and once you are used to that baseline and provided that baseline covers up all the other noises, you are sleeping like a baby. Before you invest in one, you can try a few for free through the App store. If you like the notion, but the repeating or skipping or using your phone isn’t for you, check out a few products I tried (Thank you Amazon).

If you want to skip the the winner, Please go to Page 4.

Products I love: Awesome No Show Socks

My Amazon Review: God Bless You Sock for not slipping, bunching, or cutting off my circulation – You saved me from sweaty toes.
No-Show Socks

No show socks that will actually stay on your feet! Yay!

God bless these socks. I hate thick socks. Hate them, hate them, hate them. I hate those no show sock, stocking, crap things that fall over the heel and end up bunched in your shoe. I hate showing too much sock in a shoe that doesn’t need it. I hate having sweaty sneaker feet for fashion because you can’t find the right socks.

These socks save you from this terrible fate. They are thin. They have the silicone patch so they stay in place AND they don’t bite creases into the back of your heels with ridiculous elastic. Plus, they can be washed and the silicone stays put! I wash them in a lingerie bag on delicate, but I do dry them as normal and wear them almost every day. They are perfect with my Vans, My chucks, Everything. Now – these aren’t workout socks. You are not getting any padding or cushion from the sock, but they are perfect with fashion sneakers.

Angelina 12 Pair-Pack Non-Slip Silicone Patch Cotton No-Show Socks #911 Gray

Things every BRIDE should know…. Recycle Your Wedding

Beautiful and you can buy at Etsy image source: My Modern Home Etsy

I actually DO need sequin table cloths! They are beautiful and you can buy at Etsy
image source: My Modern Home Etsy

Today, I’m starting a new feature on Pretty Da** Useful – Things Every ______ should know.  Since I’m getting married soon, many of these first postings will deal with wedding sh*t.  Sorry, Not Sorry.  Although there are literally whole sites dedicated to brides to be and our special kind of insanity, there are some pearls that just too hidden.

The first pearl is a fantastic website called Recycle Your Wedding.  What is it?  Well for once, it’s what it sounds like.  It gives brides who just got hitched the opportunity to sell the 200 sequin table liners they just had to have and now just have to another bride in a sequin table runner frenzy.  There’s the 50 Table Numbers she painstakingly hand decoupaged, the Photo Booth sign she made with your own chalkboard, those candy bar jars she picked one-by-one so they wouldn’t be too matchy and now they are available for you next savvy bride at a discount.  I sound like I’m being sarcastic, but literally, I spent 5 hours on the site my first day.  It’s a treasure trove if you are patient.  There are categories for local pick-up and some people willing to ship.

Take a peek, but be careful, much like pinterest, you are going to lose about 5 hours of your life and not realize it.

Poo in peace my friends. Poo in peace.

Hello my lovelies.  It’s been entirely too long since I’ve blogged.  I know.  I know.  I suck, but it’s a New Year and I’m not going to resolve to do better, cuz then it’s pretty darn a given I won’t.   But I shall make it up to you now by changing your life, your marriage, your relationship…. bringing me to the subject of this post….poo.

Ladies/Gents, everyone poo’s, but not all poo’s are the same.  When a man poo’s, it literally smells like something that died a week ago crawled out of his butt.  Harsh, but true and when that odor slaps you in the face, you pray for anything, anything that will make it go away.  You buy spray, but then you just smell glade and shit.  You buy candles, but even Yankee is not strong enough.  They burn matches and matches and matches….but alas.  Poo.  What to do, what to do about the poo?

Doody Free

Doody Free Poo Pourri.

I have the solution, stumbled upon it.  Poo Pourri.  I’m not sure about you, but i’ve never gotten a white elephant gift worth a shit (pun intended) until this year.  I was skeptical, but I’ll try anything once or rather, I’ll have him try anything once.  You spray the bowl before you go, a pleasant aroma drifts in – then 45 minutes later he comes out of the bathroom and as you face the door in horror waiting for glade lavender shit, you smell, a lovely citrusy aroma.  A scent that is pleasant.  The same pleasant scent you sprayed 45 minutes ago.  Voila….Poo Pourri.  You’re shocked.  I was shocked, but seriously.  This stuff is amazing.  I found I needed to stock up, I could never run out of Poo Pourri at home and I certainly needed some for the road.  No more potentially embarrassing mishaps in public, no more hiding out in the stall until the bathroom is clear and slinking out before another unfortunate soul walks in to the waft.  Poo Pourri.  It’s available at Amazon (see the link below) in many lovely flavors (scents) (odors) like Doody Free, Deja Poo, and Sh*ttin Pretty.  You can also scoop it up at your local Hallmark.

Enjoy Ladies & Gents.  Enjoy.

Get your Poo Pourri here: Poo Pourri, Doody Free – 4 oz Bottle