Things every BRIDE should know…. Recycle Your Wedding

Beautiful and you can buy at Etsy image source: My Modern Home Etsy

I actually DO need sequin table cloths! They are beautiful and you can buy at Etsy
image source: My Modern Home Etsy

Today, I’m starting a new feature on Pretty Da** Useful – Things Every ______ should know.  Since I’m getting married soon, many of these first postings will deal with wedding sh*t.  Sorry, Not Sorry.  Although there are literally whole sites dedicated to brides to be and our special kind of insanity, there are some pearls that just too hidden.

The first pearl is a fantastic website called Recycle Your Wedding.  What is it?  Well for once, it’s what it sounds like.  It gives brides who just got hitched the opportunity to sell the 200 sequin table liners they just had to have and now just have to another bride in a sequin table runner frenzy.  There’s the 50 Table Numbers she painstakingly hand decoupaged, the Photo Booth sign she made with your own chalkboard, those candy bar jars she picked one-by-one so they wouldn’t be too matchy and now they are available for you next savvy bride at a discount.  I sound like I’m being sarcastic, but literally, I spent 5 hours on the site my first day.  It’s a treasure trove if you are patient.  There are categories for local pick-up and some people willing to ship.

Take a peek, but be careful, much like pinterest, you are going to lose about 5 hours of your life and not realize it.