ALERT! Cuticle Oil is Amazing!

Greetings blog friends!

Cuticle Oil


It has been too long.  I know.  I know.  I got engaged, I got distracted, but no more!  Nothing will distract me from bring you as much useful stuff as I can find.  Today’s post is about nail care.  My mom was mentioning that her nails are weak and split.  My nails suck too.  I have been a nail biter for as long as I can remember and part of the issue is they break, peel, split, etc.  I have tried every nail polish possible and some work better than others, but during a manicure recently, the manicurist actually made a great recommendation – cuticle oil.  Against my generally frugal soul, I purchased a $15 bottle of cuticle oil and…it’s amazing.  I’ve used it the last few weeks daily (2 – 3x a day) and it has made my nails grow and grow strong!  I brush the cuticle with the oil, then rub it into my nails and the underside of my nails. Try it for a few weeks.  I’m sure cheaper cuticle oils probably work as well, but if you want to splurge, the brand shown above is AMAZING.  Good Luck and I’d love to hear how awesomely your nails are growing.