A new Quest Begins – Healthy Lifestyle Happy Hour Staples

My fellow readers and useful enthusiasts, every once in a blue moon, you find a cause, a potential quest that if successful, could really be a personal game changer. Today, I think I’ve stumbled on to mine. Okay, if I’m honest and not totally shitting you, I stumble on to a new quest weekly. It’s not that I’m a flake exactly, I just get obsessive about random things I just need to know or experience depending on what I’m currently experiencing.

I have recently been trying to be healthier. Wedded bliss has opened my world up to new experiences and apparently my mouth to anything I’ll shove in it. Much like the honeymoon, my reckless abandonment of healthy eating had to come to an end at some point and as the summer months move in and I don’t want to buy new shorts, it’s now or never.

Now, to achieve this goal, there is much I will need to abstain from, many habits I will need to change, but there is one non-negotiable, I am not going completely dry. Life is too short to happy hour, so I must find a drink or repertoire of drinks that are more diet friendly than my normal choices.  I started this journey this evening.  I tried a club soda with vodka and lime (watery vodka) and a very dirty martini (olives = yummy, martini felt like it needed salt). The bottom line is straight vodka isn’t going to do it. Lucky me and lucky you, there are tons of other alternatives and for the benefit of my dear reader, I shall try every concoction I can come up with until I find a few staples for all us gals and pals that are unwilling to sacrifice happy hour.  Wish me luck friend, wish me luck.

Poo in peace my friends. Poo in peace.

Hello my lovelies.  It’s been entirely too long since I’ve blogged.  I know.  I know.  I suck, but it’s a New Year and I’m not going to resolve to do better, cuz then it’s pretty darn a given I won’t.   But I shall make it up to you now by changing your life, your marriage, your relationship…. bringing me to the subject of this post….poo.

Ladies/Gents, everyone poo’s, but not all poo’s are the same.  When a man poo’s, it literally smells like something that died a week ago crawled out of his butt.  Harsh, but true and when that odor slaps you in the face, you pray for anything, anything that will make it go away.  You buy spray, but then you just smell glade and shit.  You buy candles, but even Yankee is not strong enough.  They burn matches and matches and matches….but alas.  Poo.  What to do, what to do about the poo?

Doody Free

Doody Free Poo Pourri.

I have the solution, stumbled upon it.  Poo Pourri.  I’m not sure about you, but i’ve never gotten a white elephant gift worth a shit (pun intended) until this year.  I was skeptical, but I’ll try anything once or rather, I’ll have him try anything once.  You spray the bowl before you go, a pleasant aroma drifts in – then 45 minutes later he comes out of the bathroom and as you face the door in horror waiting for glade lavender shit, you smell, a lovely citrusy aroma.  A scent that is pleasant.  The same pleasant scent you sprayed 45 minutes ago.  Voila….Poo Pourri.  You’re shocked.  I was shocked, but seriously.  This stuff is amazing.  I found I needed to stock up, I could never run out of Poo Pourri at home and I certainly needed some for the road.  No more potentially embarrassing mishaps in public, no more hiding out in the stall until the bathroom is clear and slinking out before another unfortunate soul walks in to the waft.  Poo Pourri.  It’s available at Amazon (see the link below) in many lovely flavors (scents) (odors) like Doody Free, Deja Poo, and Sh*ttin Pretty.  You can also scoop it up at your local Hallmark.

Enjoy Ladies & Gents.  Enjoy.

Get your Poo Pourri here: Poo Pourri, Doody Free – 4 oz Bottle

Sh*t I Can’t Live Without, Now – Arduro Universal Dashboard Mount

Let’s face it, 95% of the gadgets I bring home are useless, feeble, short-term in the amusement category, or just plain crap.  This includes most of the stuff I seduced into buying from Groupon Goods and Woot.  Example, the schoodie (hoodie scarf) seemed like a GREAT idea.  The hood does not stay up and it’s crazy awkward.  The schoodie is a good idea FAIL!  However, now and again, I take a bold leap of faith and end up with a jewel.  When I find one of those dear readers, I’m going to tell you about them, the minute I remember to.

Tonight’s thing I didn’t know I couldn’t live without until I had it is the Arduro U Grip Plus Dashboard Mount for smart phones (hello mouthful).  It’s  a dashboard mount for your phone and it is GOOD.  It doesn’t slip around, it’s not glued on there, it’s just a great suction device and it sticks where nothing would stick before in my car.  It has a 360 swivel so you can make your smart phone vertical or horizontal and you can swivel it from side to side.  The Grip expands so it fits any phone.  My iphone 4 fits, my friends iphone 5 fits, my fiancee’s galaxy fits.  The only one we haven’t managed to try out is the monster Samsung Note.  Other than that PERFECT.  Since I use my phone for music, speakerphone chatting (only at red lights), and GPS, it’s key to have a great hands free device.  Try this one.  You’ll love.

Below is a link to the device on Amazon.

Happy Riding!

Pinterest is my crack – DIY French Manicures!

price stickers - just have them around

price stickers – just have them around

I have a rather shameful admission.  I am a nail biter.  Wait.  I probably already admitted that when I posted about cuticle oil.  Okay – forget it no surprises.  I am a nail biter, so when I have nails, it makes me very very excited.  This means I’m willing to try just about anything.  My other not, so secret shame is Pinterest.  I love Pinterest and trying all of the fun fun fun things there.  You all know this.  I wanted to do a quick post of a nail project I did on whim.  I saw a picture of someone using hole punch reinforcements to create the arc for a french manicure and thought why not.

Sticker Guides :)

Sticker Guides 🙂

I didn’t have hole punch reinforcements, but I do have some old price stickers from another project.  Check it out.  I put them over my nails,

painted the tips and took them.  Voila… kinda funky.

Final Product - Mediocre

Final Product – Mediocre

If your nails aren’t perfectly straight it’s hard to make a good arc (as you can see).  I tried to fill them in on my own and it looks…okay a little crooked, certainly not salon perfect, but worth a try.  Give it a whirl and PLEASE let me know how you manage to align the circles better than I did.

Regardless, I had fun trying, so totally worth it, even though it was a bit of a fail.  Happy Painting Anyway!!!