It’s Gettin’ Hot in Heeeeere – Bikram Yoga Fairfax

I seriously can’t believe I’ve had a blog this long and I haven’t written about “The Yoga” yet.  What yoga, you ask?  The Yoga is Bikram yoga.  If you know nothing of Bikram, here’s what you need to know.  It’s hot, like REALLY hot and I don’t mean popular hot, I mean 105 degrees hot.  It’s HOT.  A series of 26 postures done in a very specific order in a heated room, Bikram yoga has TONS of people that practice it and swear by the healing power of “the sweat.”  At one point in life, I may have considered myself amongst that elevated crowd.  I did a 100 day challenge.  I practiced my back bends and did double classes.  I traveled and did Bikram in Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, Maryland, anywhere I could find a studio.  Now, I’m just a bum, a flexible bum as my cousin Gina says, but a bum nonetheless.  Bikram helped me heal from a pinched Sciatic nerve and now, I’m crawling back to the alter of heat for help with an arthritic knee.  I’ll keep you up-to-date. Today, I want to discuss a new studio I tried today, Bikram Yoga Fairfax.

Now, let’s start with this – if you don’t like Bikram, you won’t like ANY studio and that’s okay.  Bikram isn’t for everyone, I get that.  It’s hot, everyone is sweaty, your sweaty, you sweat everywhere, strangers sweat on you…it can be a bit much, not to mention if anyone eats anything questionable, the odor just seeps from their pores and that doesn’t even account for the tooting (there’s a post called wind removing pose – there is tooting, I’m just keeping it real).  I don’t say this to scare you, I say it to say, if you’ve tried it and REALLY given it a chance and it’s not for you, I get it.  Now, if you LIKE Bikram yoga – please continue reading, if not, may I suggest a nice Vinyasa Flow class or perhaps Jillian’s torturous Yoga Meltdown. Please keep reading.