Poo in peace my friends. Poo in peace.

Hello my lovelies.  It’s been entirely too long since I’ve blogged.  I know.  I know.  I suck, but it’s a New Year and I’m not going to resolve to do better, cuz then it’s pretty darn a given I won’t.   But I shall make it up to you now by changing your life, your marriage, your relationship…. bringing me to the subject of this post….poo.

Ladies/Gents, everyone poo’s, but not all poo’s are the same.  When a man poo’s, it literally smells like something that died a week ago crawled out of his butt.  Harsh, but true and when that odor slaps you in the face, you pray for anything, anything that will make it go away.  You buy spray, but then you just smell glade and shit.  You buy candles, but even Yankee is not strong enough.  They burn matches and matches and matches….but alas.  Poo.  What to do, what to do about the poo?

Doody Free

Doody Free Poo Pourri.

I have the solution, stumbled upon it.  Poo Pourri.  I’m not sure about you, but i’ve never gotten a white elephant gift worth a shit (pun intended) until this year.  I was skeptical, but I’ll try anything once or rather, I’ll have him try anything once.  You spray the bowl before you go, a pleasant aroma drifts in – then 45 minutes later he comes out of the bathroom and as you face the door in horror waiting for glade lavender shit, you smell, a lovely citrusy aroma.  A scent that is pleasant.  The same pleasant scent you sprayed 45 minutes ago.  Voila….Poo Pourri.  You’re shocked.  I was shocked, but seriously.  This stuff is amazing.  I found I needed to stock up, I could never run out of Poo Pourri at home and I certainly needed some for the road.  No more potentially embarrassing mishaps in public, no more hiding out in the stall until the bathroom is clear and slinking out before another unfortunate soul walks in to the waft.  Poo Pourri.  It’s available at Amazon (see the link below) in many lovely flavors (scents) (odors) like Doody Free, Deja Poo, and Sh*ttin Pretty.  You can also scoop it up at your local Hallmark.

Enjoy Ladies & Gents.  Enjoy.

Get your Poo Pourri here: Poo Pourri, Doody Free – 4 oz Bottle