BPC – Day2 – The Morning

Okay.  I was in a very bad mood last night.  I’m sure the other people who weren’t hungry aren’t really liars.  They probably actually did the pre-cleanse.  Dear Readers – DO THE DAMN PRE CLEANSE.  If I had, I would been used to better food.  I would also not be having the horrible caffeine withdrawal which is what I think is really killing my experience with this.  A and I both have headaches, are lethargic, and I’m a brand of grumpy that bears no need to discuss.  This morning i’m going to have half a cup of black coffee per cheat guidelines to get me through a long drive home 😦 I also had some cucumbers last night.  A stayed strong.  Me, I ditched 1/2 my last green juice in favor of cucumbers.  A cucumber has never tasted so lovely.  This morning I’m in a better mood, but my head is still pounding…. Will let you know my outlook on life post-coffee.

BPC-Day 1 Wrap-Up

6 juices, including a delicious cashew milk, 100 ounces of water, and lots of herbal tea later, I feel like crap.  I have a headache and thus far this cleanse seems like a really crappy way to spend a perfectly good Saturday.  I’m going to bed now and if I don’t wake up feeling like a million bucks, I’m having A take me for bagels in the morning and Swedish meatballs after that.