Pinterest is my crack – DIY French Manicures!

price stickers - just have them around

price stickers – just have them around

I have a rather shameful admission.  I am a nail biter.  Wait.  I probably already admitted that when I posted about cuticle oil.  Okay – forget it no surprises.  I am a nail biter, so when I have nails, it makes me very very excited.  This means I’m willing to try just about anything.  My other not, so secret shame is Pinterest.  I love Pinterest and trying all of the fun fun fun things there.  You all know this.  I wanted to do a quick post of a nail project I did on whim.  I saw a picture of someone using hole punch reinforcements to create the arc for a french manicure and thought why not.

Sticker Guides :)

Sticker Guides 🙂

I didn’t have hole punch reinforcements, but I do have some old price stickers from another project.  Check it out.  I put them over my nails,

painted the tips and took them.  Voila… kinda funky.

Final Product - Mediocre

Final Product – Mediocre

If your nails aren’t perfectly straight it’s hard to make a good arc (as you can see).  I tried to fill them in on my own and it looks…okay a little crooked, certainly not salon perfect, but worth a try.  Give it a whirl and PLEASE let me know how you manage to align the circles better than I did.

Regardless, I had fun trying, so totally worth it, even though it was a bit of a fail.  Happy Painting Anyway!!!