Juice Angry. Juice Happy. Juice Sad.

As promised, here is the last installment of my latest juicing saga.  I call this a tale of 3 juice personalities and I want to use this time to tell you how the juice made me feel the last time around.

Let’s level set.  After my last juice cleanse, I said “Do the pre-cleanse!” I continue to prove I can not be trusted to take my own advice.  I ignored the pre-cleanse again.  I also determined up front that I would not give up caffeine.  I gave up my Fat Free Half and Half and Splenda in favor of black coffee sweetened with Agave nectar, but I didn’t even consider ditching the caffeine after the last fiasco.  I also purposely purchased some cucumbers, lemons, and spring-mix salad…just in case.  Better to break and eat cucumbers than, well everything.

I should also say my co-workers were reluctant for me to embark upon this experiment because apparently my last juice cleanse made me, “juice angry.”  If you read my last series of posts, you can see clear illustrations of my juice anger in my attitude to the “liars” that claimed to not be hungry.  Not my finest moment, but as anyone who has ever been to Wal-Mart or the self-checkout line can attest, certainly not my worst either.  Either way, the juicing basically made me Hangry for 48 hours.

This last time around, Day one was not as miserable as last time.  Maybe it was because I drank coffee, maybe it is because I knew what to expect.  I was starving.  I drank a ton of water, which helped, but I was starving.  Nina and I traded emails through the day and at first she, “wasn’t hungry at all.”  By mid-afternoon there was a list of shameful things she would have done for Chinese food.  I avoided the veggies, but I did drink an extra juice.

The next two days were much much better.  I finally experienced this not so hungry Zen feeling everyone yaps about.  I mean I was still hungry and ogled food, but I wasn’t starving or angry.  I was actually jovially resigned,  I lost about 2 pounds on day one and kept going down which contributed to me being juice happy.  At the end, I even extended two days and lost a total of 8 pounds.  Yay Juice!

So, what about Juice sad?  Where does juice sad come in?  It came in on the tail end (pun intended) of day two with some rather intense gas and frequent trips to the restroom so my body could have its juice revenge.  I actually left work so I could spend quality time on my personal can rather than fearing someone would recognize my shoes in the ladies room at work.  I was pretty sure I was dying of healthiness.  This phase passed, but it was sort of miserable while it lasted.

Final verdict, I again say go for it!  Especially if you’re doing it to cleanse.  Those 8 pounds didn’t stay off after I got back on food, but a good 4 of them did and most importantly, it motivated me to keep eating better.  The down side, it’s expensive.  At $50-$75 a day for juice, it’s not economical, but if you have the dough – try it and let me know how it goes.

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