A new Quest Begins – Healthy Lifestyle Happy Hour Staples

My fellow readers and useful enthusiasts, every once in a blue moon, you find a cause, a potential quest that if successful, could really be a personal game changer. Today, I think I’ve stumbled on to mine. Okay, if I’m honest and not totally shitting you, I stumble on to a new quest weekly. It’s not that I’m a flake exactly, I just get obsessive about random things I just need to know or experience depending on what I’m currently experiencing.

I have recently been trying to be healthier. Wedded bliss has opened my world up to new experiences and apparently my mouth to anything I’ll shove in it. Much like the honeymoon, my reckless abandonment of healthy eating had to come to an end at some point and as the summer months move in and I don’t want to buy new shorts, it’s now or never.

Now, to achieve this goal, there is much I will need to abstain from, many habits I will need to change, but there is one non-negotiable, I am not going completely dry. Life is too short to happy hour, so I must find a drink or repertoire of drinks that are more diet friendly than my normal choices.  I started this journey this evening.  I tried a club soda with vodka and lime (watery vodka) and a very dirty martini (olives = yummy, martini felt like it needed salt). The bottom line is straight vodka isn’t going to do it. Lucky me and lucky you, there are tons of other alternatives and for the benefit of my dear reader, I shall try every concoction I can come up with until I find a few staples for all us gals and pals that are unwilling to sacrifice happy hour.  Wish me luck friend, wish me luck.

Light Sleepers Unite

I am a super light sleeper/insomniac/crazy woman that can’t slow her mind down.  All of these title fit. I have another friend who is like me and for the sake of not putting her business in the streets, I’ll call her Annalise and since I made that stupid complicated, but all names will now be based on Shonda Rhimes characters, we’ll shorten it to Anna.  Sidebar done.  Anna and I will see each other online at 3am and catch up while the world is at slumber.  I’m also sensitive to any additional noise in the room, when my husband gets a cold and coughs through the night or god forbids starts breathing too heavily, I be like Cookie with that pillow contemplating (if you haven’t seen Empire – get your life right and watch). If you are like Anna and I, perhaps we can start a club and chat online at night, wait I guess that’s called every creeper chat room there is, are there still chat rooms? Else, I’d like to share something that has helped me, White Noise machines. It seems counterintuitive to add noise to the mix in order to drown out the existing noise and therefore put you to sleep, however, it works – providing you have a good sound machine. It almost sets a baseline that doesn’t deviate and once you are used to that baseline and provided that baseline covers up all the other noises, you are sleeping like a baby. Before you invest in one, you can try a few for free through the App store. If you like the notion, but the repeating or skipping or using your phone isn’t for you, check out a few products I tried (Thank you Amazon).

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