Productive Procrastination

My new urban dictionary word of the day calendar is pretty darn useful.  It provides great insight on the daily basis (some of which must be carefully monitored and removed from my work desk as to avoid offending others.  Love you urban dictionary.

Anyway, as any good procrastinator knows, there’s millions of reasons to justify waiting until the last minute and millions of reasons to make it okay.  Today’s word is just one such illustration.

n. Doing stuff to keep busy while avoiding what really needs doing. When all is said and done, your room is clean, your laundry is folded — but you haven’t started your English paper.

I’m not going to lie — I am an expert at productive procrastination and I don’t have a problem with it.  If the stuff you should be doing sucks – give it a whirl.  At least you’re being productive.  So think about it dear readers, what was the last awesome thing you accomplished due to productive procrastination?  I myself have a newly organized tupperware drawer, some new pictures hanging on the wall, and a full dishwasher all thanks to my latest round of productive procrastination.

courtesy urban dictionary: