My Memoirs – In 5 points a day….

I don’t know about you, but scattered around my place are the start of at least 10 different journal efforts.  At best, I have one journal that’s 3/4 complete and if you look at the dates, the entries come about every 3 or 4 months, unless i’m in total angst, then maybe every 3 or 4 days…the silence.  I love the notion of keeping a journal, of being able to go back and see what I was up to (although admittedly, I’m not even sure when I would do that), but the commitment seems to go against my very nature.

I was recently reading O magazine, which I love almost as much as I love Real Simple and there was an article about keeping a 5 point memoir.  It was fascinating, the author wrote 5 points about her day each day.  It was short, concise, forced her to pick the most memorable/important moments, but also provided the experience of recording the days ups/downs and everything in between.  5 point memoir…challenge accepted!  I created myself a private online blog to capture my own 5 point memoir and so far – so good.  Granted, it’s only been about a week, but she was right.  It keeps me on point and it takes no time at all.  I admit, some days I struggle to find 5 interesting things, okay, most days I struggle to find 5 interesting things, but there was at least one day when I really had to prioritize what I wanted to capture.  I don’t yet know if I’ll be able to keep this up (I’ll keep you posted) or if I’ll ever really go back and read these things, but I like to believe that perhaps I’ve found a way to reconcile my desire to journal with my inability to provide a bunch of time to my many rants and my general large number of thoughts.  Most importantly, I thought this was a great way for YOU to record your thoughts and what happens each day.  If you have kids, are getting married, divorced, starting a new relationship, whatever or nothing much at all, what a fantastic and concise way to revisit the experience later in life when it’s time to remember all of the lessons you learn through these experiences and through the very act of waking up each morning and going about your day.  Plus, you just never know when you’re going to become super famous and need to publish these gems as an official memoir!

Happy Writing and PLEASE let me know how it works for you…

My Colon is SQUEAKY clean!

Okay friends, I am going to go where few bloggers dare to go and perhaps like that person you work with that you know entirely too much about (yeah, we all have one — wondering if i’m that person??) you will say No Dee!  Stop Dee!  Enough Dee!  I can’t unsee it Dee, but I have pledged to try things and let YOU know if they are useful so here it goes.  I gave up shopping for lent, which I use as my stress relief and joy bringer all at one, providing me more time to scour Groupon and LivingSocial for non clothing ways to save money.  I happened upon a Groupon for a Colon Hydro cleanse and remember a friend mentioning that they had done it and it was “weird” but made them feel lighter, so hell why not.  I went to a little joint in Fairfax by the name of Neck, Back, and Beyond – my therapist explained that it was originally owned by a chiropractor that expanded services.  Anyway, the night before the session, I did some hard core Google searches to try to find what to expect, but nothing can really prepare you.

It’s Gettin’ Hot in Heeeeere – Bikram Yoga Fairfax

I seriously can’t believe I’ve had a blog this long and I haven’t written about “The Yoga” yet.  What yoga, you ask?  The Yoga is Bikram yoga.  If you know nothing of Bikram, here’s what you need to know.  It’s hot, like REALLY hot and I don’t mean popular hot, I mean 105 degrees hot.  It’s HOT.  A series of 26 postures done in a very specific order in a heated room, Bikram yoga has TONS of people that practice it and swear by the healing power of “the sweat.”  At one point in life, I may have considered myself amongst that elevated crowd.  I did a 100 day challenge.  I practiced my back bends and did double classes.  I traveled and did Bikram in Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, Maryland, anywhere I could find a studio.  Now, I’m just a bum, a flexible bum as my cousin Gina says, but a bum nonetheless.  Bikram helped me heal from a pinched Sciatic nerve and now, I’m crawling back to the alter of heat for help with an arthritic knee.  I’ll keep you up-to-date. Today, I want to discuss a new studio I tried today, Bikram Yoga Fairfax.

Now, let’s start with this – if you don’t like Bikram, you won’t like ANY studio and that’s okay.  Bikram isn’t for everyone, I get that.  It’s hot, everyone is sweaty, your sweaty, you sweat everywhere, strangers sweat on you…it can be a bit much, not to mention if anyone eats anything questionable, the odor just seeps from their pores and that doesn’t even account for the tooting (there’s a post called wind removing pose – there is tooting, I’m just keeping it real).  I don’t say this to scare you, I say it to say, if you’ve tried it and REALLY given it a chance and it’s not for you, I get it.  Now, if you LIKE Bikram yoga – please continue reading, if not, may I suggest a nice Vinyasa Flow class or perhaps Jillian’s torturous Yoga Meltdown. Please keep reading.