Vegan Food that Doesn’t Taste like my Foot…. YUMMY YUMMY!

Today is the end of day 3 of my raw Vegan detox (and yes, I have had non-raw Vegan food, I do the best I can).  My meals have been courtesy of the talented Stephanie Hall and I wanted to provide you all a review of each thing I’ve tried thus far.  The disclaimer is, I certainly have no clue how it’s made or always even what it’s made of, but I know what’s nummy (yes, I said nummy) and what’s not.

My Delicious Raw Detox Food - Part 1

My Delicious Raw Detox Food – Part 1

  1. Green Juice – YUMMY, NUMMY.  Unlike the blueprint Green Juice, this is more fruit forward (a nice wine reference).  It’s actually quite delicious.  There were 2 green juices in my meals and I enjoyed both of them.
  2. Vegan Pizza – Again YUM!  It’s topped with olives and tomatoes and other great things and is AWESOME.
  3. Vegan Lasagna- Seriously – not sure how you get a ricotta-ish texture with nuts and other vegan ingredients, but again, it’s awesome.
  4. Kale Salad – Yum.  Kale can be a bit overpowering, ususally when I use the fresh stuff in smoothies, I have to hold my nose.  Stephanie’s kale salad is lite and delicious and filling
  5. Brazilian Nut Mylk – Much like the cashew milk, I could live on this stuff.

Overall – I haven’t had anything I haven’t liked.  I also had some sort of vegan burger and it was also awesome.  This plan makes “going vegan” seem easy.  The food is delicious.  I feel great and I just feel like i’m giving my body all kinds of great things.  However, I know i’m not a quarter of the chef that Stephanie is, but the experience did cause me to order an easy Vegan recipes book on Amazon.  I won’t pretend i’m going to start sprouting my own bread…because let’s be realistic, I can barely motivate to go buy store brough bread, but i’m hoping the recipe book will give me some new ideas on salads and I would love to learn to make vegan lasagna.  I will also keep experimenting with nut milks.  I “borrowed” A’s Vitamix blender and so far, so good.  Not sure i’m ready to sacrifice the number of shoes i’d have to leave in the store to buy my own, but perhaps after a week or so, i’ll be too spoiled by perfect protein shakes to go back to my $29.99 walmart wonder.

Love those Greens!  Vegan Food - Part 2

Love those Greens! Vegan Food – Part 2

Bottom line – if you are Vegan, ever wanted to try it, or just need to clean up your body…this is the way to do.  Stephanie makes it SO EASY.  Pick up the goods, eat.  Done.  She also makes it taste great!  I’ve had some vegan stuff from the freezer aisle that tasted like a combination of cardboard and my foot.  This food, I’d order on a regular menu even with full out meaty and cheesy options, it’s just that good.  She does the raw detox program monthly.  Give it a whirl, you’ll have a brand new appreciation for how eating healthy, even vegan, which is hands down challenging, can be awesome and not feel like a sacrifice.